News and Updates
DssW's latest news and information. Announcements, insights, and guides all appear here first.
Power Manager 4.3.4 Released
Announcing the launch of Power Manager 4.3.4 for Mac OS X.
We are pleased to announce the launch of Power Manager 4.3.4 and Power Manager Pro 4.3.4. This release adds two new actions and fixes an AppleScript bug. Updating Power Manager Power Manager will automatically check for updates every so often, so there is nothing to do. The update will automatically be offered to you during the next few weeks. …
How to Backup Power Manager
When disaster strikes, having a backup of your work is critical. Here is how to backup your Power Manager schedule.
Having a backup of your work is important. Many hours can be spent building and refining the perfect Power Manager schedule. In this recipe, we will look at how to backup your schedule and avoid problems when a storage device eventually fails. …
Calculating Sunrise and Sunset
You can use Power Manager to calculate sun observation times with AppleScript or JavaScript. We walk through how to calculate sunset times in London and Australia, now and in the future.
You can use Power Manager to calculate sun observation times with AppleScript or JavaScript. Like everything else in Power Manager, the internal astronomical calculator is available through the scripting interface. …
Deploying Packages via Sparkle
Once specialised installer package support is now available as standard to Mac developers.
This week our contribution to the open source Sparkle project was accepted. Once specialised installer package support is now available as standard to Mac developers. DssW products have long supported automatic updates. This feature lets our software notify you when an update is available. When notified you can update immediately, normally with the click of a single button, or postpone the update until later. …
How to Power On Your Mac at Sunrise
Power Manager includes sun observation triggers that let you schedule events at sunrise and sunset anywhere in the world. In this recipe we will walk through how to set this up.
Ever wanted to wake with the sunrise? With Power Manager your Mac can. Power Manager includes sun observation triggers that let you schedule events at sunrise and sunset anywhere in the world. In this recipe we will walk through how to set this up. …
Mac360 Reviews Power Manager
Thanks to Jeffrey Mincey, Mac360, for recommending Power Manager. Jeffery talks about how Power Manager separates the average Mac user from the power Mac user.
Thanks to Jeffrey Mincey, Mac360, for reviewing Power Manager. Jeffrey’s review highlights the professional features of Power Manager and how they go far beyond those provided by OS X. “Then I got smart and installed Power Manager, a professional level Mac utility which solves three issues that affect every Mac user.” Jeffrey Mincey, Mac360 …
Power Manager 4.3.3 Released
Announcing the launch of Power Manager 4.3.3 for Mac OS X.
We are pleased to announce the launch of Power Manager 4.3.3. This release adds an astronomic trigger and condition. Updating Power Manager Power Manager will automatically check for updates every so often, so there is nothing to do. The update will automatically be offered to you during the next few weeks. …
Inactivity and Idle Time on OS X
OS X has a timer called HIDIdleTime that tracks the last time you interacted with the computer.
OS X has a timer that tracks the last time you moved the mouse, typed a key, or interacted with the computer. This timer is used as the basis of idle time for when your Mac sleeps. …
Power Manager Professional 4.3.3 Released
Announcing the launch of Power Manager Professional 4.3.3 for Mac OS X.
We are pleased to announce the launch of Power Manager Pro 4.3.3. This release fixes bugs. Updating Power Manager Pro Power Manager Pro will automatically check for updates every so often, so there is nothing to do. The update will automatically be offered to you during the next few weeks. …
How to Install Homebrew on OS X
Learn how to install Homebrew on OS X. Homebrew make getting open source tools and software easy.
We are big fans of the Homebrew project for OS X. Homebrew opens up a world of new tools and possibilities for Mac users. Spend time researching “how to” questions and it is likely you will encounter many answers mentioning specific tools or open source solutions. The answer looks perfect but a new question is raised: how do I get the required tool onto my Mac? …