Power Manager 5.4.0 Released

Announcing the launch of Power Manager 5.4.0 for macOS.

We are pleased to announce the launch of Power Manager 5.4. This update introduces significant scripting changes.

Power Manager 5.4 contains changes that may cause existing scripts or tools to need updating. These changes do not affect schedules or events; the changes only affect bespoke scripts and tools that themselves interact with Power Manager. For the overwhelming majority of users, this update will be seamless.

The changes include removing previously deprecated items in the Application Programming Interface (API) and marking new items as deprecated. Please do not rely on deprecated items in your scripts and tools.

This work is part of a larger task to security harden Power Manager’s underlying API. The API is a form of contract that defines how the Scheduler communicates. Where possible we are removing ambiguity and formalising structures. This work allows for better validation and error checking.

Power Manager requires macOS 10.12 or later.

Updating Power Manager

Power Manager will automatically check for updates every so often, so there is nothing to do. The update will automatically be offered to you during the next few weeks.

If you want to update to the latest Power Manager now, use the Check for Updates menu item in the Power Manager menu.

Photograph of a tree at sunset

Changes in v5.4

  • New: Added Open Scripting Architecture (OSA) support for Audio API and user session time elements.
  • Change: Updated table buttons in editor to use textual labels.
  • Change: Removed field editor for notification contexts.
  • Change: Updated CodeMirror library.
  • Change: Updated UpdateCore library.
  • Change: Continued modernisation of code.
  • Bug: Fixed event scoped notification actions not broadcasting consistently.
  • API: Enforcing maximum string and array lengths of 1024, where previously limited by memory (API hardening).
  • API: Inline scripts limited to 64 KiB (API hardening).
  • API: additional environment changed from dictionary to environment variables structure (API hardening).
  • API: context changed from dictionary to notification context structure (API hardening).
  • API: Notification trigger changed to accept context when subset of notification, instead of exact match.
  • API: Increased length limits of name and organisation in licence.
  • API: Removed deprecated Client computer name, SSL allowances, and SSL levels.
  • API: Deprecated process scheduling priority, file creation mode mask, throttle disk reads and resource limits in external.

A detailed version history of Power Manager is also available.