trigger type

trigger type Element: Types of trigger.

trigger type choice of [once|daily|inactive|notification|power on|start up|log in|log out|user session time|sample|power state|battery health|power remaining|sun|external assistant|sleep|application|audio mute|audio volume]



Trigger the Event once on a specific date and time.


Trigger the Event at given time once on each specified day.


Trigger the Event after a given period of user inactivity has past.

start up

Trigger the event shortly after the host starts up.

log in

Trigger the event when a user logs into the console.

log out

Trigger the event when a user logs out of the console.

user session time

Trigger the event when a user sessions reaches a specific age.


Trigger the event when a sample successfully concludes.

power state

Trigger the event when the source of power changes.

battery health

Trigger the event a power source's battery health changes.

power remaining

Trigger the event when a power source capacity changes.


Trigger the event when the sun reaches a specific angle.

external assistant

Trigger the event when an external assistant changes.


Trigger the event when the computer is about to sleep.


Trigger the event when an application change occurs.

audio mute

Trigger the event when an audio device mute changes.

audio volume

Trigger the event when an audio device volume changes.