iBook Sleep Power Usage?

Vik Rubenfeld wrote on :

If I just shut the lid of my new iBook so that it goes to sleep, rather than shutting down, does that use more power than if I shut it down? How much of a battery drain is sleep? Thanks in advance for any info.


Charles Martin replied on :

In article vikr-0F8981.01123207092001@redacted.invalid, Vik Rubenfeld vikr@redacted.invalid wrote:

If I just shut the lid of my new iBook so that it goes to sleep, rather than shutting down, does that use more power than if I shut it down? How much of a battery drain is sleep? Thanks in advance for any info.

Um, yes. Of course sleep uses somewhat more power than "none," which is how much it uses if it's turned off.*

*yes, I know modern Macs do in fact use a very tiny amount of power even when turned off. But it's close enough to zero as to not be mentioned.

But the amount of power the iBook uses when asleep is almost as negligible. I've had mine asleep for three days with only a minor dip in power.

Vik Rubenfeld replied on :

Charles Martin rubbish@redacted.invalid wrote:

But the amount of power the iBook uses when asleep is almost as negligible. I've had mine asleep for three days with only a minor dip in power.

Great. Thanks for the info.
