OS X 10.1.1 doesn't Wake-on-LAN

Steven Kan wrote on :

I'm running 10.1.1 on my G4/450DP. I have Energy Saver set to Wake on Network Activity and Wake on Modem Ring.

But it doesn't wake up. I've tried ftp, http, ping, and file-sharing requests from my PC, but none of them causes my Mac to wake from its light sleep (it doesn't deep sleep anyway, but that's another issue).

Do I need to send it a "magic packet?" Does anyone have a Win or Mac application that sends magic packets?


Phil Sport replied on :

On Thu, 13 Dec 2001 17:27:32 +0000, Steven Kan wrote (in message 3C18E4FD.BE8FEF5D@redacted.invalid):

I'm running 10.1.1 on my G4/450DP. I have Energy Saver set to Wake on Network Activity and Wake on Modem Ring.

But it doesn't wake up. I've tried ftp, http, ping, and file-sharing requests from my PC, but none of them causes my Mac to wake from its light sleep (it doesn't deep sleep anyway, but that's another issue).

Do I need to send it a "magic packet?" Does anyone have a Win or Mac application that sends magic packets?


I've the same experience with a G4 733. It does wake up though in 9.2. I've given up trying to sort it out.

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