Why Pismo battery life getting shorter?

My Pismo G3/500 battery used to last a couple of hours. Now under 10.3 I get barely 30 or 40 minutes.
fishfry wrote on :
My Pismo G3/500 battery used to last a couple of hours. Now under 10.3 I get barely 30 or 40 minutes. Is this OS related? Firmware? Or is my battery getting old?
Bob Brogan replied on :

In article BLOCKSPAMfishfry-518E54.23160503082004@redacted.invalid, fishfry BLOCKSPAMfishfry@redacted.invalid wrote:

My Pismo G3/500 battery used to last a couple of hours. Now under 10.3 I get barely 30 or 40 minutes. Is this OS related? Firmware? Or is my battery getting old?

Probably the battery getting old and OS X has higher power requirements.

IRO replied on :

In article Ham-BD8BF9.02211204082004@redacted.invalid, Bob Brogan Ham@redacted.invalid wrote:

My Pismo G3/500 battery used to last a couple of hours. Now under 10.3 I get barely 30 or 40 minutes. Is this OS related? Firmware? Or is my battery getting old?

Probably the battery getting old and OS X has higher power requirements.

The Li-ion batteries in Pismos are not noted for their longevity. Sadly Li-ion have the least number of recharge cycles of the available chemistries (+ NiMH & NiCd). Both my Pismo's batteries are sagging, one's nearly unusable, the other's only good for an hour or so. And if you are grumbling about the replacement cost, spare a tiny prayer for we NZers. Our dollar's exchange rate means we pay twice the price the Yanks do.

~IRO My ambition in Life is to build something that will REALLY last....at least until I've finished building it.

Steve replied on :

On Wed, 4 Aug 2004 4:40:20 -0700, IRO wrote (in message irotemp-84DEFD.23402004082004@redacted.invalid):

In article Ham-BD8BF9.02211204082004@redacted.invalid, Bob Brogan Ham@redacted.invalid wrote:

My Pismo G3/500 battery used to last a couple of hours. Now under 10.3 I get barely 30 or 40 minutes. Is this OS related? Firmware? Or is my battery getting old?

Probably the battery getting old and OS X has higher power requirements.

The Li-ion batteries in Pismos are not noted for their longevity. Sadly Li-ion have the least number of recharge cycles of the available chemistries (+ NiMH & NiCd). Both my Pismo's batteries are sagging, one's nearly unusable, the other's only good for an hour or so. And if you are grumbling about the replacement cost, spare a tiny prayer for we NZers. Our dollar's exchange rate means we pay twice the price the Yanks do.

IRO My ambition in Life is to build something that will REALLY last....at least until I've finished building it.

When buying replacements you also have to be aware of shelf life. I have heard of people buying replacements that have sat on a shelf so long they were no better, or even worse than the ones they were trying to replace. IOW, the replacements have been sitting on the shelf since the Pismo was new.
